How much are your cooking classes

Good Eats Happy Life cooking classes are a monthly subscription of $29. Your membership renews automatically each month from the date that you originally sign up.

What is included in my monthly membership

With your monthly Good Eats Happy Life membership, the following is included:

  • Weekly recipes released each Wednesday
  • Resources, tips, tricks and help with the monthly recipes
  • A private Facebook Group
  • Bonus recipes
  • Monthly live zooms where you can ask any questions that you have about the monthly recipes

How do I cancel my membership?

You will get an email prior to the next month so that you are aware that you are being charged for the membership. At that time you can cancel by following the link.

You can also cancel at any time within your membership. You will be charged for the current month.

Can I purchase past months classes?

Yes, you can. As the month passes it will be available for individual purchase, but not prior to the members having access to it.

Do you have gift certificates?

We are currently working on this and should have them available shortly. Please contact directly in the meantime so that she can get it together for you.

Are the classes live?

Currently, while I’m getting my sea legs, so to speak, they are recorded. I hope to have them live by October 2021.

If I cancel do I have access to the months I purchased?